<현장스케치> 아시아산림협력기구 공식출범 그 현장속으로!
The Official Take-off of the Asia Forest Cooperation Organization

드디어 산림청이 주도하여 설립한 아시아지역 산림국제기구인 아시아산림협력기구 (Asia Forest Cooperation Organization, #AFoCO)가 지난 11월 12일~13일 서울에서 개최된 1차 AFoCO 총회를 통해 공식출범했습니다.
At last, the Asia Forest Cooperation Organization (AFoCO) was officially launched through its first Assembly Meeting on the 12th and 13th of November, 2018 in Seoul. South Korea, in fact, had played the most leading role in setting up AFoCO.
AFoCO는 실행 중심적 현장 활동을 중심으로 아시아지역의 기존 산림협력메커니즘을 보완하고 시너지효과를 창출하는 데 주안점을 두고 있어요.
AFoCO has been committed to complementing existing forest cooperation mechanisms and creating synergy effects in it, sticking to its prioritized action-oriented strategies with field-centered activities emphasized.
현재 아시아 14개국이 참여하고 있는 AFoCO는 그간 아시아의 훼손된 숲을 복원하고 #기후변화 대응을 위한 산림프로젝트 등을 진행해 왔답니다. 또한 AFoCO 교육훈련센터 (The Regional Education and Training Center, #RETC)를 미얀마 모비시에 설립하여 (2018년 7월 개소) 산림 전문가를 키워내고 산불, 산사태 등의 예방 및 대응 기술을 공유하며, 산촌 주민들의 삶을 좀 더 풍요롭게 하는데 앞장서고 있어요.
AFoCO, presently joined by fourteen Asian nations, has restored degraded forests in the region, proceeding with forest cooperation projects to better tackle climate change. Moreover, the fledgling international body established the Regional Education and Training Center (also known as RETC opened in June, 2018) in Hmawbi, Myanmar, thereby nurturing forest experts, sharing skills and technologies in order to prevent and seamlessly respond to forest fires and landslides and enriching the livelihoods of locals in rural areas.
The first Assembly Meeting (held in Seoul between Nov.12 and 13)
더불어 AFoCO의 최고 의결기구인 총회(Assembly)가 지난 11월 12일~13일, 서울 롯데호텔에서 개최되었답니다. 회의에 참여한 각국 대표들은 국제기구로서 AFoCO가 당당히 자리매김할 수 있도록 행정절차 및 산림협력 프로젝트를 함께 검토하고 승인했어요. 또한 이번 1차 AFoCO 총회에서는 초대 사무총장(첸초 노르부 Chencho Norbu, 부탄) 임명과 AFoCO 사무국 공식출범도 이루어졌답니다.
Besides, the Assembly, AFoCO’s top decision-making body, convened its first-ever meeting between November 12 and 13 at Lotte Hotel in Seoul. Each representative reviewed and approved forest cooperation projects and administrative procedures to get AFoCO on the right track and keep it there as an effective international organization. on top of that, the Assembly appointed Mr. Chencho Norbu of Bhutan as the first Executive Director of AFoCO. The organization’s Interim Secretariat successfully turned into the official Secretariat of the Asia Forest Cooperation Organization with the unanimous approval of the Assembly members
이제 AFoCO는 총회를 디딤돌 삼아 더 높이 날아오르기만 하면 되요. 한국전쟁 직후 황폐해진 국토를 단기간에 푸르게 변화시킨 기술과 저력을 아시아 국가들과 공유하여 대한민국의 위상을 높이고 더 나아가 기후변화 대응 및 UN 지속가능발전목표(SDGs) 달성에도 기여할 것이랍니다.
대한민국이 주도하여 설립한 아시아 산림특화 국제기구인 AFoCO의 비상을 힘차게 응원해주세요~~
Now is the high time for AFoCO to jump on the launchpad called ‘the Assembly’ and fly high. AFoCO will share the passion and practical knowledge owned by Koreans with other Asian countries, with which Koreans quickly and successfully turned a land devastated and impoverished by the Korean War into a prosperous greenish country. It also will significantly contribute to not only an effective response to climate change but also the achievement of SDGs.
Let’s all root for AFoCO, a regional forestry-dedicated international organization whose establishment was led by South Korea, so that it can soar up as high as possible.
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